Monday, September 20, 2004

all is well in the world

I'm at the Central Library and it feels good to write in my blog, after reading some fiction. I love fiction. But I can't check out any books because I have a fine of $18.45 on my library card. I have never had a fine so high!! I'm like the person who never has delinquencies on her card. But it's all because of 4 CDs that I had overdue for like 2 1/2 weeks. Yeah...I guess I'll have to just read friends' books until I pay the fine. That's horrid.
But I don't need to talk about horrid things, because the world is really a nice place...If you're mostly hanging out in libraries, art studios and gardens. Those are some of my favorite places, and I really like being at home, but sometimes I get too attatched, and end up a bum at home. It's nice to be away, especially because my room is really messy. I like going to the Southwest school of Art and Craft, but I'm only taking ceramics classes, and I'd really like to take some sort of a painting or photography class. A figure drawing class would be nice, also. I'm going to my throwing class now. Until next time (probably tomorrow),
Carly G. :)


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